Friday, July 20, 2012

CBM symbol

This is our clan symbol...
Inline image 1


Here is a rank thingamajig.

[>-|o] Recruit or [CBMR]
[Chub] General or [CBMG]
[bble] Commander or [CBMC]
[P13] LT. commander or [CBML]
[DOMO] President or [CBM]

NINJA UDDERS and Ubering will decide when you rank up.

(At the end of each post you will see -N.U. or -U.  -N.U. is NINJA UDDERS posting and -U is Ubering posting)


Thursday, July 12, 2012

This is our blog of our new (amateur/unofficial) MW3 Xbox 360 Clan Chubby Bubble Muffin made by...
NINJA UDDERS and Ubering. If u join u HAVE to change ur clan tag to [>-|o] until a higher rank in which it will be [Chub] but I (NINJA UDDERS) have the low-rank clan tag just cuz'. To Qualify you have to be tested by me AND Ubering or have a good KD Ratio or Do really well in a match with us or Impress us or Be a high prestige. NOTE: If u troll other clan members u WILL be kicked forevereverever. we willl have meetings and squads as well as squad names/leaders. 1-2 Leaders per squad. keep shootin